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Top Twelve Videos Every Trader Should Watch

Trader’s log book has a lot of punctuation marks and highlights, many commas and exclamation marks. But there are also many question marks too. The best answers could be received from seasoned traders, but some answers you could find in YouTube videos.


Everyone has their own top list depending on trader experience. Some need a detailed answer, some may seek just inspiration. For the start, you may choose one from the most viewed ones. Most importantly, you have to write down a few short thoughts and ideas you get while watching these videos. This would navigate you further into astounding discoveries in the future.


It is not important where to start. All roads will eventually lead to Rome. But to get a first impression and save some time, here is a playlist for a starter. You can find basic knowledge on risk management, trader’s psychology, building a trading strategy, and a trading system. Enjoy watching!




Trader’s Psychology


1. I Failed Over 25 PropFirm Challenges Before I Got Funded

In our article "How to Become a Prop Trader", much attention is paid to psychological time. In this video, a prop trader speaks particularly about this issue. He could not pass challenges until he passed the exam without a time limit, like at SpiceProp.



2. Revolver

This could be the best movie about a man trying to fight greed and fear. Gambling is far from trading and investments, but emotions are very similar. A man in this movie manages to get emotions under control and win. This is a challenging movie, but every experienced trader is likely to have seen it.



3. Peaceful Warrior

In our article "How to Become a Prop Trader", a properly tuned trading strategy allows a trader to enjoy the process of trading. The result is secondary here, although it is positive. The main character in this movie understands this concept after passing various serious challenges.




Risk Management Basic Knowledge



4. Is it Better to Trade with a Prop Firm or Trade Your Own Money?

This is a simple video where a seasoned trader speaks about the advantages of prop trading companies compared to trading your own money. The core idea is that trading with bigger money allows a trader to get more profit with less hassle. Prop trading has this advantage at its core. For example, a monthly return of 5% allows you to have €5,000 on an account of €100,000. But if a trader trades on his own €5,000, he can have €250 in a month considering the same level of return. It could be frustrating and prompt a trader to increase risks and trade without a strategy. This frustration often leads to losses.



5. $50K Account Secured / How to ALWAYS Pass Funded Challenges GUARANTEED

In our article "How to Become a Prop Trader", you may find an example of how to calculate risk in your trade. You may also watch how these calculations are made in this video. Super easy and informative.




How to Build a Trading System (Trading Strategies)?



6. Funded Trader's Success Story – Kaci Jackson / Trader Interview

If you want to learn more about how other people become traders, you can watch this video. A trader tells their own story, allowing you to see their strategy. This is always a must-have experience that could prompt you with your own trading ideas.



7. #1 Ranked Prop-Firm Trader Reveals His Strategy - Pasquale

Another personal success story, this video reveals a top trader's strategy and can provide you with valuable insights into building your trading system.



8. How to Build your Trading System (Difference Between Strategy & System)

Newcomers may find it difficult to get a sense of different concepts. What is a trading strategy? What is a trading system? What is the difference between both and how to construct them? Experienced traders may find this video quite boring as they have this methodology right in their minds. Luckily, you could find such giveaways by seasoned traders.



9. Pi

Financial markets always attract the most intelligent people. Isaac Newton, Karl Marx, and even Albert Einstein tried their hand in trading, but never became famous traders. Neither did they become rich through trading. This may make you think that IQ is not the most important thing in trading. In this movie, a mathematician finds a key to the financial market but could not really apply his discovery in real trading. This is an explicit example that a strong trading pattern would not necessarily lead to a positive financial result in the long run. A proper trading system is needed to achieve a sustainable financial result in trading.



When a Trader Is Having a Break?


When you want to have rest and learn some useful tips, you may find the following three movies interesting.



10. Limitless

It is a comic for traders. The movie is inspired by "The Dark Fields" by Alan Glynn. This book pays more attention to the fantastic trading of Edward "Eddie" Spinola, the main character. But the movie has some interesting features. This is a true classic for traders.



11. Billions

Every trader and investor has seen this series. The seven-season series depict how Wall Street functions from the top-level manager's perspective.



12. Dumb Money

Social media has changed financial markets dramatically. Retail investors are becoming a strong power in the market united by social media. In 2021, retail investors made a wealthy hedge fund nearly bankrupt with the GameStop affair. This movie tells the story of how it happened.