


Average payout

€19 365

Top payout

€2 million

account size


challenge cost

Rastimo zajedno
uz veće profite!

Šta je to savremeni Prop-trejding?

Obezbeđujemo resurse i alate za trgovanje, koji vam omogućavaju da implementirate svoje strategije u trgovini.

Kompanija zarađuje samo ako trejder zarađuje.
Minimiziramo rizike kroz upravljanje vremenom i upravljanje rizikom.

Kako ovo funkcioniše?
Vi imate €200
Vi trgujete, koristeći svoj kapital
Ukoliko kupite izazov za 199€ i uspešno ga savladate na svoj račun dobijate 25000€
Uz profit od 12%
Trgujte kapitalom od 25000€
Sa profitom od 12% i raspodelom dobiti 80/20 zaradićete 2400€

Činjenica je da upotreba većeg kapitala donosi veći profit. Kako biste uvećali svoj trgovinski bilans neophodno je da kupite i savladate Izazov i praktično pokažete da ste spremni da upravljate velikim kapitalom.

Spremni da proverite svoje navike?

Kako početi?
a Personal Account

Create an account in your SpiceProp personal cabinet.

This is your primary tool for programme and account management.

To register, go to link and fill in the registration form with your details. After that, confirm your account via email.

Selecting and purchasing
a programme

In your personal cabinet you will see a list of available programmes.

Each programme has its own features and requirements. Choose the one that suits your needs.

To purchase a programme, select the programme you want and pay for it. SpiceProp accepts a variety of payment methods, including credit cards and digital currencies. After payment, you will get access to the programme and can start the challenge.

Passing the

Each programme includes certain stages.

For example, the Sweet Pepper programme includes two stages: in the first stage, you need to achieve a profit of 7.5%, and in the second stage 5%.

You have to follow the drawdown rules: daily drawdown no more than 5.5%, total drawdown no more than 11%.

Making a

If you trade successfully and achieve profits, you receive your share of the profits according to the terms of the programme.

SpiceProp pays traders their profits made during the trial period.

At the same time, the trader cannot make a loss. After making a profit, you can request a withdrawal to your bank account or cryptocurrency wallet.

Trading on a
live funded account

When you trade in a live funded account, you use the company's capital to make trades.

Your actions must comply with the rules of the chosen programme to minimise risks and ensure stable profits.

Obtaining a
funded account

Upon successful completion of all stages of the programme, you will receive a confirmation certificate.

We will ask you to go through a KYC process to identify your identity. You will then be asked to sign a contract with SpiceProp.

In addition, you may receive a refund of your programme fees if you successfully complete the two-stage assignment.

of profits

Depending on the programme, your profit share can be up to 90%.

For example, in the Black Pepper programme, profit sharing is up to 90%, but in Jalapeño only 60%.

of earned money

Once you have made a profit, you can request a withdrawal.

With SpiceProp, withdrawals are possible 14 days after accessing the funded account. Except for the Black pepper programme, on it payouts are possible every 7 days.

Money can be withdrawn to a bank account or via digital currency wallets.

Program Raspodela profita od Minimalna cena programa Veličina trgovinskog računa, maks.
Black pepper 90% 1499 300K
Sweet pepper 80% 99 150K
Chilli pepper 80% 129 100K
Jalapeno 60% 70 15K
Mini Pepper 80% 45 6K

Наћи ћете пуне уcлове и одредбе cвих програма у cвом личном налогу.

Izračunaj svoj profit
Vaša sredstva
Izaberi program
Cena programa
Željeni prihod
Raspodela profita
Veličina trgovinskog računa
Potpuna transparentnost trgovinskih naloga

Trgovinski podaci na Ličnoj stranici
u realnom vremenu.

Upravljanje rizikom
i upravljanje vremenom

Nećemo vam dozvoliti da pređete preko
granice prihvatljivog rizika.

Pouzdani partneri

Siguran sistem plaćanja, pouzdani brokeri i provajderi likvidnosti.

Multi račun

Garantovana isplata zarađenih sredstava

Podrška klijenata 24/7

Kotiranje u realnom vremenu

Naša predstavništva
Spremni da proverite svoje
trgovinske navike?